Why Choose Mindstream For Your LIFE COACH Training
With over 20 years of providing Life Coach Training, well we like to think we must be doing something right, and one of the reasons for our success is that once you have graduated from our diploma course, it’s not over because we just keep on giving to our graduates.
We are the only company providing the following great support offers:

Refresh Your Training at Any Time - Free
When you complete any training-course with us, you can attend an unlimited amount of future Life Coaching classes - of a similar level - at no extra charge. We want to make sure you really understand and integrate all of the new skills you have learnt and put them into action, so if at any time you would like to re-visit a topic from the Diploma or Certificate course, or repeat the entire course, just call us and book your place.

Unlimited Mentoring & Coaching - Free
Entering into a new profession can be scary. Imposter syndrome can set in and you might doubt your abilities. But fear not because help from Mindstream is always at hand. Anytime you need some guidance with a coaching issue or a client, just call us and our team will be glad to assist you.
Or if you are seeking accreditation we can help you through that process to ensure you pass first time.

Inspirational and Experienced Trainers
When you attend a Mindstream Coaching Course you will find yourself in the company of inspiring trainers who love what they do and are ready to demonstrate hands-on professional coaching techniques. All our trainers are professional coaches with a busy practice and are accredited with the International Authority of Professional Coaches & Mentors.

We get Amazing Reviews.
Visit our reviews section and read what our graduates have to say. Additionally if you would like to speak to any past graduates let us know and we will set up a call. Our graduates are always willing to offer insight into their experiences with many returning as guest lecturers and speakers to share how their life has changed for the better as a result of doing the course.

We offer free "Zoom Nights"
Between our monthly-diploma classes, we offer an online support-and-inspire Zoom session. This is a great opportunity to answer your coaching questions as they arise during your pro bono practice or peer-coaching coaching-sessions. It's also a great way to keep in touch with your trainers and share your coaching experiences with your fellow-students.

An Introduction Course
Not sure you want to commit to a full diploma course? We want you to experience what’s involved in a life coaching course and our training style before committing to a full diploma course, so we created a fully accrediated Certificate Life Coaching course. You can use these skills for self coaching, coaching in the workplace and an intro into whether you want the full diploma.